Women’s Beach Body 082023
Today is a Rest Day for the program! WodStar Recovery Yoga is made for days like this...
Today is a Rest Day for the program! WodStar Recovery Yoga is made for days like this...
Today is an active rest day for the program! Pick one of the following: Option 1: 30 Minute light jog, every 5 Min do 10 Air squats Option 2: 60 Minute yoga class Option 3: Light swim or row for 30 Min, every 5 Min do a 1:00 Hollow hold
Workout: For Time 5 Sets 20 Barbell box step ups (10 each leg, light) 20 Strict pull ups or Lat pull downs Endurance: 4 Rounds with pace 50/50 Mountain climbers 1:00 Jump rope 25 Straight leg raises
Workout: For Time 4 Rounds: 15 Dumbbell hang clean and squat 15 Burpees Endurance: 5-7 Rounds 2:00 Moderate-high pace cardio of choice 1:00 Hollow hold
Strength: 1) Barbell Overhead Press: 3 x 15 Reps, rest as needed 2) DB lateral raise: 3 x 15 Reps, rest as needed 3) Barbell behind the neck press: 3 x 15 Reps, rest as needed 4) DB lying rear lateral raise: 3 x 20 Reps, rest as needed 6) Barbell upright row: 3 x [...]
Grocery List for the Week of August 21, 2023 PROTEIN Protein 2 lbs Chicken breasts 12 Eggs + 6 hard boiled eggs (easy prep) 1lb Lean Beef, Bison (grass-fed) 1lb Ground turkey (or chicken) 2 cans of Wild Salmon or mackerel Yogurt (sugar-free) *Frozen fish patties (salmon or [...]
Meal Prep for the Week of August 14, 2023 LAST SUNDAY'S MEAL We post the week's meals on Sundays so we give you last Sunday's meal: Breakfast: Protein pancakes or Superfood smoothie Lunch: Chipotle Beef bowl Dinner: Chicken and vegetable pan meal Snack: Vegetables and hummus or peanut [...]
Grocery List for the Week of August 14, 2023 PROTEIN 2 lbs Chicken breasts - 12 Eggs + 6 hard boiled eggs (easy prep) - 1lb Lean Beef, Bison (grass-fed) - 1lb Ground turkey (or chicken) - 2 cans of Wild Salmon or mackerel - Yogurt (sugar-free) *Frozen [...]
Grocery List for the Week of August 7, 2023 PROTEIN 2 lbs Chicken breasts - 12 Eggs + 6 hard boiled eggs (easy prep) - 1lb Lean Beef, Bison (grass-fed) - 1lb Ground turkey (or chicken) - 2 cans of Wild Salmon or mackerel - Yogurt (sugar-free) *Frozen [...]
Meal Prep for the Week of August 7, 2023 LAST SUNDAY'S MEAL We post the week's meals on Sundays so we give you last Sunday's meal: Breakfast: Protein pancakes or Superfood smoothie Lunch: Taco salad Dinner: Chicken and vegetable pan meal Snack: Protein pancakes or waffles [...]
Strength: 1) Dips: 3 x 20 Reps 2) Barbell Bench Press: 3 x 20 Reps, rest as needed 3) Dips: 2 x 12 Reps 4) DB overhead tricep extension: 4 x 20 Reps Core Work: 3 Sets 20 V-ups 20 Hollow rockers Workout: For Time 50-40-30-20-10 Sit-up 25-20-15-10-5 Push-up (Complete 50 Sit-ups, then 25 Push-ups, [...]
Strength: 1) Back squat: 20-15-10-5, Rest as needed 2) Machine leg presses: 4 x 20 Reps, rest as needed 3) Barbell front squat 3 x 10 Reps, rest as needed 4) Seated leg extensions: 4 x 20 Reps, rest as needed 5) Laying med ball hamstring curls: 4 x 20 Reps, rest as needed Core [...]