About Lonny Bollinger

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So far Lonny Bollinger has created 25266 blog entries.

Military, Law Enforcement, Firefighter 101123

By |2023-10-05T17:12:29+00:00October 9th, 2023|MLF|

Here's today's Military, Law Enforcement, and Firefighter workout. If you are in need of a movement substitution you can click here for our substitution list. Warm-up: Run 200 Meters 10/10 Front to back kicks 10/10 Side swings 10 Pike ups x 2 Sets Workout: For Time Complete 4 Rounds 10 Man makers (55/35) 5 Muscle-ups or 15 Pull-ups/15 [...]

Endurance 101123

By |2023-10-06T18:08:46+00:00October 9th, 2023|Endurance|

Warm-up: 800 Meter jog 5:00 of any needed tissue work. Workout: 4 sets 25 squat jumps 25 locked arm burpees Into... 4 rounds 15 v ups 1 minute glute bridge hold 30 second side plank L 30 second side plank R Into... 4 sets 25 squat jumps 25 full  burpees Recovery: Hips and Hamstrings

Wodstar Affiliate 101423

By |2023-10-08T18:38:33+00:00October 8th, 2023|Wodstar Affiliate|

Warm-up: 10/10 PVC figure 8's 10 PVC Good mornings 5 Inchworms 3/3 Hip opener x 2 Sets, then 1:00 jump rope Strength: 1. L-sit rope climb: 4 sets of 1 2. Sled drag, push back: 4 sets building x 15 Yard drag, 15 yard push back WOD: Continuous clock, Get as far as possible From 0-3:00 2 Rounds of: [...]

Wodstar Affiliate 101323

By |2023-10-08T18:37:52+00:00October 8th, 2023|Wodstar Affiliate|

Warm-up: 10 Prone snow angels 10/10 Active straight leg raises 50 Meter swim x 3 Sets Strength: Hang squat cleans: 5-3-3-2-2 WOD: For Total Rounds (135/95) Pick up where you left off for each AMRAP 1:00 AMRAP  1 Jerk 3 Hang squat cleans 5 Deadlift 1:00 Rest 2:00 AMRAP 2 Jerks 4 Hang squat cleans 6 Deadlift [...]

Wodstar Affiliate 101223

By |2023-10-08T18:37:33+00:00October 8th, 2023|Wodstar Affiliate|

Warm-up: 400 Meter run Strength: 1 Set of 50 V-ups Dual KB deadlift high pulls: 5 Sets of 5 Reps WOD: 16:00 AMRAP  Run 250 20 Kettlebell swings (53/35) Bike 20 Cal 20 Ball slams Recovery: Quads, Hips and Hamstrings

Wodstar Affiliate 101123

By |2023-10-08T18:36:47+00:00October 8th, 2023|Wodstar Affiliate|

Warm-up: 5:00 of related tissue work, then 2 Sets 5/5 Alternating pigeon 5/5 PVC figure 8's :20/:20 Couch stretch Strength: Box squats: 5 Sets of 5 WOD: For Total Rounds Pick up where left off after each AMRAP 4:00 AMRAP 6 Chest to bar pull-ups 60 Double-unders 10 Sit-ups Rest 1:30 3:00 AMRAP 5 CTB pull-ups 50 Double-unders [...]

Wodstar Affiliate 101023

By |2023-10-08T18:35:51+00:00October 8th, 2023|Wodstar Affiliate|

Warm-up: 2 Sets 8/8 High kicks 8/8 Ankle roll outs 10/10 Meter Crab walk with hip up forward and backward Strength: 3 Position cleans, every 2:00 x 4 Sets Strict Handstand push-ups: 3 Sets to fatigue Floor wipers: 12/12 x 3 Sets WOD: 12:00 AMRAP  14 Bar facing burpees 7 Power cleans (bodyweight) 5 Handstand push-ups Recovery: Shoulders and Spine 

Wodstar Affiliate 100923

By |2023-10-08T18:35:32+00:00October 8th, 2023|Wodstar Affiliate|

Warm-up: 2 Sets 10/10 Pike ups 5 Push-up walk outs 10 Touch downs :30 Jumping jacks Strength: Sorenson Hold: 4 Sets of 30 Seconds Barbell reverse lunges: 5/5 x 4 sets WOD 1: 7:00 AMRAP  7 Box jumps (30"/24") Max pull hold (chin above bar) Record total rounds and total  hang time WOD 2: 7:00 AMRAP  5/5 Dumbbell lunges (45s/30s) [...]

OCR 101023

By |2023-10-06T18:22:00+00:00October 8th, 2023|Obstacle Racing|

Warm-up: 7:00 - Easy run add in skills and drills of choice, high skip and cross overs Then Two Sets of: Star Lunges x 10 per leg Toe Touches x 10 per leg Front to Back Leg Kicks x 10 per leg Run: :30 ON / :30 OFF / :30 ON / :25 OFF / [...]

WodStar 100823

By |2023-10-05T17:21:43+00:00October 8th, 2023|Wodstar Daily|

WOD: "18.3" 2 Rounds for time of: 100 Double-unders 20 Overhead squats (115/80) 100 Double-unders 12 Ring muscle-ups 100 Double-unders 20 Dumbbell snatches (50/35) 100 Double-unders 12 Bar muscle-ups Time cap: 14 Minutes

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