Are you looking to be stronger, faster, quicker for the sport you play? Power Everything is the program that will help you become that athlete.

Written by former track star and NFL Wide Receiver, James Townsend is the .1% of the .1% when it comes to speed, strength and explosive power.

Sports Conditioning Articles by James Townsend

4 Weeks To Elite Strength Gains
Take 4 weeks to blast through your plateaus on lifts & build explosive strength fast ...
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Rower Workouts For Crossfit
A well-rounded athlete has great function when it comes to all aerobic capacities. But how do you build this capacity? ...
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Kettlebell workout routine
Kettlebells are gaining tons of traction as the next hottest piece of workout equipment. See how you can get shredded ...
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Travel wod for crossfit and Jump Rope Workouts
Working out and traveling don't exactly go hand in hand. Find out what the best way to handle both are ...
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Fitness Hiatus - Fitness Comeback
Too often we see mediocre health and performance, accepted as good enough…then life hits and the wheels come off. Read ...
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New To CrossFit Tips
If you're new to CrossFit, you've heard someone mention your "newbie gains." Use our tips to help you bust through ...
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Red Bull 400
One of the most gnarly and fun tests is the “Red Bull 400” in Park City, Utah on September 24, ...
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Are you doing CrossFit wrong?
There is a programming epidemic in affiliates. Coaches are getting lazy, and instead of filling the class up with coaching, ...
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fix lower back pain
You would think that doing deadlifts would aggravate an injured back and increase back pain, but it actually has the ...
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