Wodstar WOD of the Day 110515

Hello Wodstars! We thank you for following our programming. We program a 3-day-on and 1-day-off then 2-day-on and 1-day-off schedule each week, which mean’s Thursdays and Sundays are programmed rest days.

With the addition of Stephanie Ring to the team, we are now introducing Yoga stretches on rest days to aid in your recovery and improve your mobility.

Hold each for 2:00, go through two rounds

Child’s Pose Side Stretch Yoga Pose


Extended Low Lunge Yoga Pose


Half Split Yoga Pose


Twisted Monkey Yoga Pose

Twisted Monkey Yoga Pose

Pigeon Yoga Pose


Reclined Spinal Twist Yoga Pose



If today is not a rest day for you, you can view any previous WODS from our archives.

By |2016-11-14T10:35:01+00:00November 5th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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