Men’s Beach Body Program 050723
Today is a Rest Day for the program! WodStar Recovery Yoga is made for days like this..
Today is a Rest Day for the program! WodStar Recovery Yoga is made for days like this..
Today is an active rest day for the program! 45 Mins of one of the following: Rowing Biking Running Swimming
STRENGTH 5 Sets 5 Reps TEMPO Front Racked KB squats 33 X 1 (3 Seconds down, 3 second pause at bottom) Rest 90 seconds between sets WORKOUT: FOR TIME 400 M lunge Use KBs if it sounds too easy At 400 Meters... 400 M run WORKOUT: Not for time 100 Seated Russian Twists with weight [...]
Strength: 3 Sets 20 Alternating standing dumbbell curls Rest 30 secs 20 Prone barbell tricep ext. (skull crushers) Rest 30 secs 3 Sets 10-1 ¼ barbell curls Rest 30 secs 30 Standing band tricep extensions Rest 30 secs 3 Sets 10 Seated dumbbell hammer curls Rest 30 secs 10 Bent over dumbbell tricep kickbacks Workout:For [...]
Workout: “The Calorie Burner” 2K row 100 Sit-ups 2K row
Grocery List for the Week of May 8, 2023 PROTEIN 2 lbs Chicken breasts 12 Eggs + 6 hard boiled eggs (easy prep) 2lb Lean Beef, Bison (grass-fed), 3 cans of Wild Salmon or mackerel 4 Salmon filets*Frozen fish patties (salmon or Pollack) for salads or tacos*These cook quick [...]
Meal Prep for the Week of May 1, 2023 LAST SUNDAY'S MEAL Breakfast: Protein pancakes or Superfood smoothie Lunch: chicken/salmon salad with grilled veggies Dinner: Chicken and vegetable pan meal Snack: Vegetables and hummus or peanut butter MONDAY Breakfast: Eggs with sweet [...]
Grocery List for the Week of May 1, 2023 PROTEIN 2 lbs Chicken breasts 12 Eggs + 6 hard boiled eggs (easy prep) 2lb Lean Beef, Bison (grass-fed), 3 cans of Wild Salmon or mackerel 4 Salmon filets*Frozen fish patties (salmon or Pollack) for salads or tacos*These cook quick [...]
STRENGTH 1) Single arm KB upside down strict press 5 Sets of 5 Reps ( slow and controlled) 2) 4 Sets 20 DB curls (light) 6-8 Chin ups Rest as needed between sets 3) 3 Sets 10 Skull crushers Into max rep close grip push-ups Workout: For Time 21 Push-ups 21 Strict pull-ups 15 Push-ups 15 [...]
“Calorie Burner” For time: 30 Thrusters 65lbs 20 Box jumps 10 Burpees Rest 1 Min 30 Box jumps 20 Burpees 10 Thrusters Rest 1 Min 30 Burpees 20 Thrusters 10 Box jumps
Strength 3 sets 10 Seated Dumbbell lateral raise Rest 30 secs 15 Standing dumbbell shrugs Rest 30 secs 3 Sets of 10 Standing dumbbell front raises Rest 30 secs 15 Bent over rear dumbbell flys Rest 30 secs 5 Sets of 10 Standing dumbbell shoulder press Rest 30 secs Plate pinch (until failure) Rest 2 [...]
Strength: 1) 5 Sets 5 Incline bench press Rest 60 Secs 5 Inverted Ring Rows ( 2 sec hold at top) Rest 2 mins Rest as needed 2) 4 Sets 10 Glute Bridge dumbbell floor press Rest 30 secs 10 Single arm dumbbell rows (slow and controlled) Rest 2 mins Rest as needed 3) 4 [...]