WodStar 110923
Strength: Seated Behind the Neck press 3 x 10 Power clean and power jerk 6 x 2 Workout: 3 Sets 100 Cal Assault Bike for time **Rest 3 min between Accessory Work: 2 Sets Tempo Push ups x 20 (3 sec lower) Dumbbell Rows x 20 Each arm
Strength: Seated Behind the Neck press 3 x 10 Power clean and power jerk 6 x 2 Workout: 3 Sets 100 Cal Assault Bike for time **Rest 3 min between Accessory Work: 2 Sets Tempo Push ups x 20 (3 sec lower) Dumbbell Rows x 20 Each arm
Today is an Active Recovery Day! Get together with your coach and fellow competitors to discuss how the week went. Pick an activity to do for 60 Minutes at moderate intensity. Suggested Mobility
Warm-up: Swim 50 Meters (slow) Then 3 Sets of 10/10 Flutter kicks 10 Over and Under arm swings Endurance: Swim 50 meters :30 rest 250 meters 1 min rest 100 meters Rest 3:00 between waves x 5 waves Workout: For Time Complete 5 Rounds 7 Man Makers (55/40lbs) 20 lunge steps at the farmers carry with the [...]
Strength: Front Squat build to 3rm then drop to 80% and do 2 x Max Reps Banded Deadlift 3x10 (fast) Workout: For Time 50 Cal Air bike 10 Clean and jerk 185/115# 50 Cal Air bike Accessory Work: 2 Sets Barbell Bulgarian split squat x 20 Each Barbell walking lunges x 20 Each
Warm-Up: 10/10 Plank lunge 10/10 Alternating pigeon 10/10 Alternating v-ups 10 Touchdowns x 2 Sets OCR STRENGTH: Deadlift 3 rounds of :30 Max @ 55% of Deadlift 2RM Rest 2:30 between rounds *Focus on speed and perfect form! OCR WOD: 60m OH Plate Walking Lunges 45/35 30 Chest 2 Bar Pull-ups 40m OH Plate Walking [...]
WARM UP: Tissue work for Shoulders and Hips, then 1 round of: 15 Snatch balance with PVC or unloaded bar 25 Touch downs Static Stretching: 3 Rounds: 30 sec each: Pigeon Pose (Right/ Left Leg) Couch Stretch (Right/ Left Leg) Squat Holds Calf/Ankle Stretch (Right/ Left Leg) 1RM: Back Squat Deadlift
Major: Back, Hamstrings Minor: Shoulders Rower: 200m @ 85% pace Deadlift: 10 Reps @ 60% 5 Rounds for time Rest 2 mins 3 Rounds for time 15 Lateral raise 15 Front raise or Plate raise 1 min jump rope Right into… 50 Crunches with block or medball in between knees 50 Russian Twists 1 min [...]
Rest/Recover day Take 60 Minutes and do a moderate activity like yoga, hike, bike ride, etc. Recovery: Low Back, Hips and Hamstrings
Active Rest Day Pick One of the Following Options: Option 1: 45 Minute light jog or Row Then Recovery Day Mobility Option 2: Take a Yoga or Stretch class Option 3: Get outdoors for 45 Min to an hour and do something enjoyable Then Recovery Day Mobility
Warm-up: 3 Sets 7 Inchworms 10/10 Supine Single Leg Raises 10/10 PVC Figure 8's WOD: For time 100 Cal ski 30 Dball cleans 200/150 Rest 10 Min WOD: For time 100 Cal bike 30 Muscle ups Rest 10 min WOD: For time 100 Cal row 30 Deadlifts (315/225#) Rest 10 min WOD: For time 1 Mile run true form with [...]
Today is an Rest Day Work on your MOBILITY HERE
Optional conditioning: Running or Rowing 1,000 Meters x 3 full recovery between