About Lonny Bollinger

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So far Lonny Bollinger has created 25266 blog entries.

OCR 102123

By |2023-10-17T00:22:53+00:00October 19th, 2023|Obstacle Racing|

Warm-up: 7:00 - Easy run add in skills and drills of choice, high skip and cross overs Then Hit about 5 Min of related tissue work, then: 15 PVC pass throughs 15 Push-up walk outs 15 Pike ups Run: 2 mile TT, Rest 5min then 2 mile Tabata alternating :20/:10 until distance covered *Ensure proper [...]

Power Everything 102123

By |2023-10-17T00:22:39+00:00October 19th, 2023|Power Everything|

WARM UP: 3 Sets 10 Air Squat 10 Jumping jacks 10 Burpees Static Stretching: 3 Rounds: 30 sec each: Pigeon Pose (Right/ Left Leg) Couch Stretch (Right/ Left Leg) Squat Holds Calf/Ankle Stretch (Right/ Left Leg) TRACK DAY: SPEED: 5sets of SL BOUND JUMP SPRINTS: 4 bound jumps, sprint 40yards 3 sets of building sprints: [...]

Endurance 102123

By |2023-10-17T00:20:26+00:00October 19th, 2023|Endurance|

Warm-up: 800 Meter jog 5:00 of any needed tissue work. Workout: For time: •100 double-unders •21 burpees •75 double-unders •15 burpees •50 double-unders •9 burpees rest 5 mins repeat goal is consistent times Recovery: Hips and Hamstrings

Performance Unleashed 102123

By |2023-10-17T00:19:58+00:00October 19th, 2023|Performance Unleashed|

Major: legs, Back Minor: Core, Shoulders 20 Rep Max for squat (1 set) You get one go at this after warming up. #95 or #135 can feel spicy with this amount of reps. Make sure form is good and shoot for something challenging. You should have to fight for the last 5-6 reps. Aim for [...]

Kettlebell Training 102123

By |2023-10-17T00:15:13+00:00October 19th, 2023|Kettlebell Bootcamp|

Warm-up: 2 Sets Run 800 Meters 15/15 Spiderman push-ups 10/10 Hip openers Workout 1: EMOM for 12:00 Min 1: :30 Hollow rock + 5/5 Dual Overhead lunge (heavy) Min 2: :30 Cardio sprint of choice + Decline push-ups ok KBs to failure  Min 3: :30 Kettlebell swings + Dip to extension on KBs to failure *Coach's notes [...]

WodStar 101923

By |2023-10-17T00:13:46+00:00October 19th, 2023|Wodstar Daily|

Strength: Front Squat build to 3rm then drop to 80% and do 2xMax Reps Strength 2: Banded Deadlift 3x10 (fast) Workout: For Time: 50 Cal Bike 10 Clean and jerk 185/135# 50 Cal Bike  

WodStar Elite Competitor 102123

By |2023-10-17T00:11:59+00:00October 19th, 2023|Elite Competitor|

Today is an Active Recovery Day! Get together with your coach and fellow competitors to discuss how the week went. EMOM for 30-35 Minutes around the world: Min 1-Rowing Min 2- 1 Min plank Min 3- Air Dyne Min 4- Body Weight Lunges Min 5- Single-Unders Suggested Mobility  

Military, Law Enforcement, Firefighter 102123

By |2023-10-17T00:11:36+00:00October 19th, 2023|MLF|

Here’s today’s Military, Law Enforcement, and Firefighter workout. If you are in need of a movement substitution you can click here for our substitution list. Low Volume for a couple days...reset the system WARM-UP 3 Sets 10 Air squats 10 Lunges 10 PVC pass throughs 10 Touch downs 250 Meter row ENDURANCE: Row 5k @ [...]

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