Kettlebell Training 120423
Today is an Active Rest day for the program! EMOM for 45 Min around the world: Min 1-Rowing or running Min 2- :30/:30 side plank Min 3- Cal bike Min 4- Inchworms Min 5- Single-Unders Recovery: Rest Day Recovery
Today is an Active Rest day for the program! EMOM for 45 Min around the world: Min 1-Rowing or running Min 2- :30/:30 side plank Min 3- Cal bike Min 4- Inchworms Min 5- Single-Unders Recovery: Rest Day Recovery
Warm-up 3 Sets 50 Meter Butt kicks 3 Wall Walks 50 meter High knees 1:00 Jog WOD: Partner workout 150 Cal bike (10's back and forth) Rest 1 min Do Max muscle-ups in 3 minutes as a pair Rest 5 min Then 100 cal bike with partner Rest 1 min Do max muscle-ups in 3 minutes as pair Recovery: [...]
Warm-up: 400 Meter light jog 5/5 Hip openers x 2 Endurance: Run 800 meters Rest 1:30 between sets 85-90% X 4 sets WOD: Adam Brown (Hero Workout, Fallen SEAL) For Time 24 Deadlifts (295/205#) 24 Box jumps (24"/20”) 24 Wall ball (20/14#) 24 Bench Press (195/135#) 24 Box jumps (24"/20”) 24 Wall ball (20"/14”) 24 [...]
Warm-Up: 5/5 High Kicks 10 PVC Good Mornings 10 PVC Overhead Squats 10/10 PVC Hip Swings OCR Strength: Strict Press: 10 x 4 Sets @ 50% of 1 RM *Go every minute on the minute *Emphasize speed and technique! OCR WOD: AMRAP in 15 minutes of: 10 Calorie Row 10 Burpees 10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups [...]
Warm Up: 2 Sets 200 Meter run 10 Spiderman push-ups 10 Over under arm swings 10 Touch downs 5/5 High kicks Static Stretching: 3 Rounds: 30 sec each: Pigeon Pose (Right/ Left Leg) Couch Stretch (Right/ Left Leg) Squat Holds Calf/Ankle Stretch (Right/ Left Leg) STRENGTH: Chain Back Squats: 5 @50 3 @60 1 @70: [...]
Today is an Active Rest Day for the Program! Today aim for 10,000 Steps or some active recovery that you enjoy. Each week there will be 2 Rest days as a break away from weights or challenging activity are important. I know momentum feels good but you can keep this up with a day that [...]
Rest/Recover day Take 60 Minutes and do a moderate activity like yoga, hike, bike ride, etc. Recovery: Low Back, Hips and Hamstrings
Today is a Rest Day! Rest Day Recovery is made for days like this…
Warm-Up: 2 rounds 40 Meter bear crawl 40 Meter crab walk 10/10 Mountain climbers 10 Push-ups Strength: Single arm overhead squats x 5/5 x 4 Sets 5/5 Rolling V-ups x 4 Sets Workout 1: 8:00 AMRAP 8 Cal row or bike :30 Max rep Dual thrusters *Go for max rounds and total reps of thrusters Workout 2: 8:00 Time AMRAP [...]
Today is an Active Recovery Day! Get together with your coach and fellow competitors to discuss how the week went. EMOM for 30-35 Minutes around the world: Min 1-Rowing Min 2- 1 Min plank Min 3- Air Dyne Min 4- Body Weight Lunges Min 5- Single-Unders Suggested Mobility
Today is an Rest Day Work on your MOBILITY HERE
Today is a rest day for the program! Rest Day Recovery is made for days like this..