WodStar 071617
Today is a rest day for the program!
Today is a rest day for the program!
Strength: Push Press 6x3 (80%) Strength EMOM: Every 90 seconds x3 3 cleans (60-70%) Strength EMOM: Every 90 seconds x3 1 clean (85-90%) WOD: 25 Sets (Row or AirDyne) 30 Seconds on at 85% 30 Seconds Rest Accessory Work: 3 Sets Supinated grip pull ups x10 Strict dips x15
Strength: Back Squat 5x5 (75%) Strength 2: Stiff leg Dead Lift 3x10 Strength EMOM: Every 90 Seconds x3 Hang Power Snatch + Power Snatch Strength EMOM: Every 90 seconds x3 Power Snatch (80%) WOD: 3 Rounds 4 Rope Climb 15' 8 Over Head Squat 185/135# 16 C2B Pull Ups 32 Cal Assault bike Accessory Work: [...]
Skill: A: 10 min free handstand balance practice without moving hands. (Use walk off needed as support or a spotter) Strength: B1: 3 x 2 Turkish get-ups, rest 30 sec. B2: 3 High box jumps, rest 30 sec. B3: 3 x 6 Dumbbell Over Head Squat, rest 90 sec. X4 sets WOD: 10 Rounds for [...]
Warm up: Dynamic 4 Rounds: 20 Frankensteins 20 SL RDL 20 Heel to Hip 20 High knee Skips 10m Side Shuffle 10m Side lunge Static Stretching: 3 Rounds: 30 sec each: Pigeon Pose (Right/ Left Leg) Couch Stretch (Right/ Left Leg) Squat Holds Calf/Ankle Stretch (Right/ Left Leg) STRENGTH: Back Squats: 5 @50 3 @60 1 @70 : Continue to Build to [...]
Warm up: Dynamic 4 Rounds: 20 Frankensteins 20 SL RDL 20 Heel to Hip 20 High knee Skips 10m Side Shuffle 10m Side lunge Static Stretching: 3 Rounds: 30 sec each: Pigeon Pose (Right/ Left Leg) Couch Stretch (Right/ Left Leg) Squat Holds Calf/Ankle Stretch (Right/ Left Leg) CORE: 3X20 GHD Sit ups Med Ball Slams: 5x10 40/30lbs [...]
Skill: A: 10 min practice Bar-MU from box (Keep the box as high so you are comfortable but focus on getting both wrists and elbows over the bar at the same time) B1: 5/5 Pistols to box @40X1, rest 30 sec B2: AMRAP Unbroken set strict pull-ups, rest 90sec X4 set Endurance: C: 20 min [...]
Conditioning Run 1k 100 DU 50 Cal AB Run 800 80 DU 40 Cal AB Run 600 60 DU 30 Cal AB Run 400 40 DU 20 Cal AB
Skill: A1: Hang in hollow position 30sec, rest 30 sec A2: 10 Controlled beat swings, rest 60sec x 4 sets B: 3-5 Weighted strict pull-ups @31X1, rest as needed for 5 set EMOM: 20 min EMOM Min 1: 5-8 Gymnastic kipping pull-ups (Ring rows of you can't do 1 strict pull-ups) Min 2: 10 Hollow [...]
Strength: 5 Sets Dead Lift x3, drop each rep (80%) Rest 30 Seconds Seated box jump x3 (seat at parallel) Rest 3-4 Mins WOD: 40 Muscle Up for Time EMOM: 5 Min EMOM 20 Wall Balls 20/16# 5 Strict pull ups + 5 kipping pull ups + 5 C2b PU 16/12 cal row
Strength: BTN strict press 5x5 EMOM: Every 2 min x4 2 Position Clean (Mid Thigh, below knee) WOD: 12 min AMRAP 21 Bar Facing Burpees 15 Power Cleans 185/135# 9 Strict HSPU Accessory Work: 4 Sets Supinated grip BB rows x10 BB Z Press x6-8
Strength: Deadlifts: 10-8-6-4-2 Build in weight; make this tough. WOD: For Time: 3 Mile AD 30 KBS@35lbs 60 Box jumps 24/20" 3k Row 30 KBS @35lbs 60 Box jumps 3 mile run