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How to do a L Sit Rope Climb to improve your performance in CrossFit WODS.

Set up for L Sit Rope Climb

  • Start seated on the ground in the ‘L’ position.

Points of Performance for L Sit Rope Climb

  • Maintaining an L-Sit, pull with the arms, hand over hand.
  • Be sure to keep the legs above the hips.

Tips and Tricks

  • Keep the feet and legs squeezed together while pointing toes
  • Keep the core tight and breath while pulling
  • To scale, bend the knees to parallel.  The straighter the legs, the harder the movement will be for the athlete
  • Another scaling option is to start be sitting on the floor with the legs straight and the feet resting on a small box.  As you pull, apply pressure to the box by pushing through the heels to aid on the pull