Not only are you going to get an extremely satisfying workout from our WOD of the Day, but also you are going to get warm up and cool down yoga stretches–specifically linked the workout–to aid in your recovery. Time for Gainz!
A) Warm-Up: Not For Time
500 Meter Row
10 PVC Overhead Squats
Pose: Reverse Table Top (2×30 Second Hold)
B) Strength:
1 Strict Muscle-Up + 2 Muscle-Ups + 5 Dips
Rest 2:00
X 4
C) WOD 1: For Time
7 Overhead Squats (115/95)
3 Burpee Box Jump (24”/20”)
X 4
Rest As Needed
D) WOD 2: For Time
7 Snatches (115/95)
3 Burpee Muscle-Ups
X 4
E) Recovery: 2:00 Hold Each Pose
Criss Cross Arms
Twisted Monkey
Seated Glute Stretch
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