WodStar 072717
Endurance: ROW 10 Sets 150m at 90-95% rest 2 min between sets
Endurance: ROW 10 Sets 150m at 90-95% rest 2 min between sets
Strength: A) 7 Sets Deadlift x2 90% (drop each rep) res 30-60 seconds Seated Box Jump x2 rest 4 min WOD: B) 8 Min AMRAP Ring Muscle Up EMOM: C) 21 MIN EMOM 1 - Row Cal 18/13 2 - 30 Double Unders + 10 Handstand Push Up 3 - 5 Front Squats 155/105# + [...]
Strength: A) BTN Push Press 6x3 (85%+) EMOM: B) Every 2min x5 1 Hang Clean + 1 Clean (build to 80-85%) Every 2min x4 Clean (85-90%) WOD: C) For Time 1k Row 30 Wall Ball 30/20# 30 C2B Pull Ups 30 Box Jump Overs 24/20" 1 Mile Assault Bike 20 Overhead Squat 135/95# 20 Burpee Box [...]
Strength: A) Back Squat 5x5 (80%) EMOM: B) Every 2 min x3 3 Position Power Snatch (high, mid thigh, below knee) into Every 2 min x 3 2 position Power snatch (below knee, floor) into Every 2 min x 3 Power snatch + OHS WOD: C) Running Clock 21-15-9 Cal Row OHS 135/95# C2B Pull [...]
Today is a rest day for the program!
Strength: Behind the Neck Strict Press 5x5 Strength 2: Every 2 min x4 3 Position Clean + 1 jerk (after last clean only) (high, mid thigh, below knee) Strength 3: Every 2 min x 4 2 Position clean + 1 Jerk (after last clean) (Mid Thigh, below knee) WOD: For Time 50 Cal AB 50 [...]
Strength: Front Squat 3x8 (70-75%) Strength 2: Every 90 seconds x3 3 Squat snatches (70-75%) Strength 3: Every 90 seconds x3 1 Snatch (85-90%) WOD: 4 Rounds For Time 100 Double Unders 15 Chest To Bar Pull Up 15 Strict Deficit Handstand Push Up 4/2” 15 Wall Ball 30/24# Accessory Work: 3 Sets Barbell Step [...]
Endurance: 3 Sets 500m at 5k pace rest 90 seconds 400m at 3k pace rest 90 seconds 300m at 1 mile pace rest 90 seconds 150m at 400m pace rest 3 min
Strength: 5 Sets Deadlift x3 @ 85% Rest 30 Sec Seated box jump x3 (seat at parallel) Rest 3-4 Min Skill: 3 Sets 2 min Max Ring Mu Rest 2 Min EMOM: 18 MIN EMOM Row 150m 6-8 HSPU 15 Toes to Bar Accessory Work: 3 Sets 200ft Sled Push Rest 30 seconds 200ft Reverse [...]
Warm up: Dynamic 4 Rounds: 20 Frankensteins 20 SL RDL 20 Heel to Hip 20 High knee Skips 10m Side Shuffle 10m Side lunge Static Stretching: 3 Rounds: 30 sec each: Pigeon Pose (Right/ Left Leg) Couch Stretch (Right/ Left Leg) Squat Holds Calf/Ankle Stretch (Right/ Left Leg) STRENGTH: Back Rack Barbell Box Jumps: 8/4”: 40% of bodyweight: 4x5 -pair w/ 150m [...]
Strength: 5 Sets Behind the Neck Push Press x 10 Strength 2: Power Clean From blocks at knee level 6x3 (build but keep fast) WOD: For Time 21-15-9 Assault Bike Deadlifts 315/225# Rest 4 Mins 15-12-9 Burpee Box Jump Over 30/24” Dumbbell Ground to overhead 70/55# Accessory Work: 4 Sets Supinated grip BB rows x8 [...]
Strength: Back Squat 6x3 @ 65% Strength 2: 3 Position Snatch x1 (high hang, mid thigh, below knee) Every 2 min x3 Strength 3: Snatch (below knee, floor) Every 2 min x3 WOD: For Time Assault Bike 1 Mile Row 1k 50 Thrusters 45/35# 30 Pull Ups Assault Bike 1 Mile Accessory Work: 4 Sets [...]