Banded Pistol

By |2018-10-17T05:37:08+00:00August 2nd, 2015|Movements|

How to do a Banded Pistol to improve your performance in CrossFit WODS. Set up for Banded Pistol Begin by setting a band up in the rack at hip height. Points of Performance for Banded Pistol On one foot, send the hips back and down until the crease of the hip is below the knee. [...]

Banded Muscle-Up

By |2018-10-17T05:48:17+00:00July 29th, 2015|Movements|

How to do a Banded Muscle-Up to improve your performance in CrossFit WODS. Set up for Banded Muscle-Up Begin by sitting on a band holding on the rings in a false grip. Points of Performance for Banded Muscle-Up Initiate the movement by pulling the rings to the sternum and doing an aggressive sit-up into the bottom [...]

L Sit with Parallettes

By |2018-10-17T06:25:25+00:00July 29th, 2015|Movements|

How to do a L Sit with Parallelettes to improve your performance in CrossFit WODS. Set up for L Sit with Parallelettes Begin with the arms extended and the shoulders shrugged down. Legs are up at 90 degrees. Points of Performance for L Sit with Parallelettes Extend and keep the arms tight to the body. Be [...]

Pike Push-Up

By |2018-10-17T06:29:51+00:00July 29th, 2015|Movements|

How to do a Pike Push-Up to improve your performance in CrossFit WODS. Set up for Pike Push-Up Begin with the feet on a box and the hips piked up above the shoulders, elbows are locked out. Points of Performance for Pike Push-Up Break at the elbows descending down to the ground so that the head [...]

Ring Handstand Push-Up

By |2018-10-17T06:33:52+00:00July 29th, 2015|Movements|

How to do a Ring Handstand Push-Up to improve your performance in CrossFit WODS. Set up For Ring Handstand Push-Up Begin with the rings 3 inches off the ground with the arms fully locked out in a handstand. Points of PerformanceFor Ring Handstand Push-Up Allow the elbows to break as the head descends down [...]

Seated L Muscle-Up

By |2018-10-17T06:35:33+00:00July 29th, 2015|Movements|

How to do a Seated L Muscle-Up to improve your performance in CrossFit WODS. Set up for Seated L Muscle-Up Begin seated on the ground, holding the rings in a false grip. Points of Performance for Seated L Muscle-Up Initiate the movement by pulling the rings to the sternum and doing an aggressive sit-up into the [...]

Handstand Walk

By |2018-10-17T05:58:17+00:00July 29th, 2015|Movements|

How to do a Handstand Walk to improve your performance in CrossFit WODS. Set up for Handstand Walk Begin with the hands slightly outside the shoulders with the palms on the ground. Invert into a free-standing handstand. Points of Performance for Handstand Walk Begin to walk with the hands, one hand in front of the other, [...]

L Sit Rope Climb

By |2018-10-17T06:25:07+00:00July 29th, 2015|Movements|

This video from the Wodstar movement library demonstrates how to do the perfect Snatch to maximize your performance in a CrossFit WOD.

Pull To Stand Rope Climb

By |2018-10-17T06:30:38+00:00July 29th, 2015|Movements|

How to do a Pull to Stand Rope Climb to improve your performance in CrossFit WODS. Set up for Pull to Stand Rope Climb Start lying on the ground with the feet on the floor and the rope in hand. Points of Performance for Pull to Stand Rope Climb Keep your feet on the floor and [...]

Shoulder Taps

By |2018-10-17T06:36:06+00:00July 29th, 2015|Movements|

How to do Shoulder Taps to improve your performance in CrossFit WODS. Set up for Shoulder Taps With the hands slightly outside the shoulders invert into a handstand against the wall. Points of Performance for Shoulder Taps Shift your weight towards one side, removing the opposite hand and touching the opposite shoulder. Be sure to [...]

Wall Walks

By |2018-10-17T06:45:59+00:00July 29th, 2015|Movements|

This video from the Wodstar movement library demonstrates how to do the perfect Wall Walks to maximize your performance in a CrossFit WOD.

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